Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The US Version of my Lagom Book is Out!

I'm super excited to announce the USA version of my new book Lagom: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life has hit the shelves today! The content is exactly the same as the UK version (i.e. full of fun and inspiring tips and tricks graciously passed onto me by my Swedish family and friends over the thirteen years I've lived here   - but with a different cover. I hope the book inspires you to bring a little lagom into your daily life - whether hopping on your bike to the shops, taking morning dips, enjoying a fika (a coffee break with homemade cinnamon buns from my children's great grandmother's recipe!), going mushroom picking, or creating a calm and clutter-free home (I'm going to try my hand at creating that capsule wardrobe this Autumn too!).

If it sounds like a book you might enjoy, you can pick up a copy here.

Thank you so much to everyone who has got their hands on a copy of my book so far - and for all your kind words and wonderful feedback - it means so much to me! I hope the book inspires you as much as it inspired me to write!

Niki x

PS - Thank you for all your questions about availability -  The UK version is available in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India and other Commonwealth countries. Amazon is a good bet, or ask in your local book store - even if they don't have it in stock I'm sure they'd be more than happy to order you a copy.  The book will also be available in French, Portuguese, German, Czech and Russian soon (I'll keep you updated as there's a chance more languages might be added - so fun!).

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