Monday, July 31, 2017

My new book!

This year I've been tinkering away behind the scenes on a new book. And now it's finally time to reveal a little more about it! So exciting! While my first two books focus on interior design, my new book is centered around the Swedish philosophy of 'Lagom' meaning 'not too much, no too little - just right.' I moved to Sweden in 2004 and over the past 13 years a lot has happened -  marriage, children, work.... But also, while I'll still always be a Londoner at heart, I've slowly adapted to the Swedish way of life. My home is clutter-free, I ride my bike everywhere (even in the snow!), I take walks along beaches and in the forests and I finish work on time (clock-watching? who me?!). And something truly unexpected has happened - I've become calmer, more content and ultimately..... happier! In 'Lagom: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life'  I've drawn on my observations of life in Sweden - from how my Nordic friends decorate their homes, take morning dips, go mushroom picking and enjoying a fika (a break with a coffee and a little treat) to how they celebrate holidays and other big events, raise their children and even strike a balance with the world around them. I hope you'll enjoy the many tips, craft ideas and even the odd recipe as much as I have  compiling them for the book!

'Lagom: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life' is now available to pre-order here!

It's such a wonderful moment to see a book come to life. Thank you to my publisher HarperCollins who has been so supportive of all my ideas from start to finish and the talented Swedish illustrator Petra Borner for the beautiful illustrations throughout the book! I can't tell you how generous my Swedish friends (and others further afield) have been throughout the process - from trusting me with their knowledge, to sharing experiences and providing recipes - tack så mycket! And finally, a huge thank you for reading my blog and following my feeds on social media, you inspire me to share my experiences of Scandinavian (and more specifically Sweden) - and this book would never have been possible without you!

I hope you enjoy it!

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